Monday, March 7, 2011

Benefits Of Vegetarian Food

Vegetarian food contain more water:
If a man does not get food he can survive for 60 days but without water he can live for a maximum 7 hours or more depending on the capacity of the person. The body requires water for the circulation of the blood and digestion process. The food, which we consume, contains maximum 60 per cent of water but fruits and vegetable contain 95 per cent of water. This makes them easily digestible and nutritious. An apple contains 84 per cent water and banana and grapes have 75.3 and 77.3 per cent water respectively. A pear contains 89.4 per cent water and cabbage and carrot contain 91.5 and 88.2 per cent water respectively. Similarly spinach and the green leafy vegetables and tomato contain 92.3 and 94.3 per cent water. This water is equivalent to the mineral water, which is found in the hilly areas, and mountains, which contains sulphur. Therefore vegetables are more beneficial and healthy when compared to non-vegetarian food.
The body weight can increase with the consumption of meat and heavy food but those who want to remain healthy; disease free with good skin quality should consume water in sufficient amount. This can be obtained only from vegetarian food.
Vegetarian food - complete food:
Renowned scientist working at scientific and industrial research council in national science institution, Bangalore, Dr. Keti has reached at the conclusion that vegetarian food is a complete food. A proper mix of veg-i etarian food items and to maintain the nutrition at the time of cooking, eating boiled food, properly drying, sprouts and fermentation can increase the food quality. Milk and milk products have sufficient amount of protein, calcium and vitamins. The toned milk also contains 38 per cent of high protein. There is no nutritional element, which is present in meat and eggs and not available in milk. This is beneficial for the heart patients as well because it reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood; it is the antidote to several poisons.
Fiber rich food:
The vegetarian food is rich in fiber whereas the non-vegetarian food is deficient in this element. These fibers are helpful in providing minerals and vitamins to the body. These avoid constipation and related diseases like piles, hernia, appendicitis, hepatitis, divertica, and varicose veins. These fibers are important because they protect us from stones and heart diseases by mutual action of cholesterol and bilirubin.
The vegetarian food is low in cholesterol:
The meat and meat products contain very high levels of cholesterol. They deposit inside the arteries and block the way this obstructs the free flow of blood to the hart and hence heart problem is more among the non-vegetarians.
The oiliness present in the vegetarian food is thin in quality, this is known as linolic acid, this is very important for the body and its deficiency causes paleness in the body. The body looses the capacity to fight out diseases.
Vitamin B-12:
According to the specialists, half liter of milk provides the required quantity of this vitamin. The best sources of B-12 are curds, Idli, Dosa, Dokhla, and Jalebi etc.
The best source of vitamins is vegetarian food:
Sprouted grains and cereals are rich in vitamin B. the amount of vitamin C increases ten times.
Vegetarian food gives good health and long life:
In Abakhasiyansa state of Russia the average life span of a person is 100 years. These people are totally vegetarians. The Hunjas community of Kashmir is also vegetarians; therefore they are disease free and live long. In contrast, the Eskimos who eat only meat are prone to several diseases and they become inactive and dull at the age of 35 itself. During the Mahabharata people used to live up to 100 years and were at least 7 to 8 feet high. This was the result of eating vegetarian food.
Gandhiji's opinion:
The religion does not allow us to eat eggs and meat, "looking at the climate of our nation we should stop the consumption of eggs, meat and alcohol."
A scientist's opinion A scientist said that the people who eat eggs appear to be very healthy in the beginning were very proud of them, their health is artificial and they have to loose their good health very soon. They contract different types of disease and they have to consult doctors and ayurvedic practitioners in order to get back the lost health. (Kalyan 9/73, page 964)
anumantaa vishamsitaa nihantaa kraya vikrayi

samskartaa copahartaa va khadakashceti ghatakah

The person who advises to eat non-vegetarian food, the butcher, the buyer, the seller, the cook, and the person who brings it and the person who eats it are all dangerous, killers and sinners.
We consider the above-mentioned facts seriously and decide that we should eat healthy, disease curing, more nutritious and pious vegetarian food so that we remain healthy, happy and livelong. We should not eat the meat obtained in a cruel manner by cutting the beaks and wings of the birds, which is less nutritious and disease causing food. We should not make our bodies malicious and make the mind impure and polluted.

3 commenti:

Anonymous said...

I think human diet is omnivorous, which means he needs both food crop and those animals with metabolic enzymes and the mechanisms necessary for the absorption and metabolism of both substances from both the plant and the animal. People tend to think exclusively vegetarian diet for proper man would be perfect, but it is not, otherwise man would have been … herbivore.
This is only my opinion...:)

George Patt said...

I think human diet is omnivorous, which means he needs both food crop and those animals with metabolic enzymes and the mechanisms necessary for the absorption and metabolism of both substances from both the plant and the animal. People tend to think exclusively vegetarian diet for proper man would be perfect, but it is not, otherwise man would have been … herbivore.
This is only my opinion...:)

Aman Insan said...

hi guys !
well george ! i have a couple of questions....
u said tht human diet is omnivorous???right.......
but till today i never read this line in any book.....can you please show me in which book u read this tht human being is a omnivorous.........

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